Welcome to the Middle Managers Online Muster 2023

This Muster brings together leadership and professional development experts to share powerful insights, strategies and ideas to fire up your leadership in a world of change.

  • Day one: 6th JULY 2023

  • DAY TWO: 7TH JULY 2023

  • DAY three: 8th JuLY 2023

Sally Foley-Lewis

Queensland, Australia


The Five Habits of High Performing Middle Managers

Too many people are encouraged into middle management without the right preparation.

Too many leave middle management because they aren't supported, developed or have clear direction.

Too many stay in middle management because they feel stuck, not getting a chance to step up.

Whether middle managers are unprepared, unsupported or stuck, they often unjustly get a bad rap. And I should know, I've been one, and I've also sate at every level of an organisation: from being at the front line to being the CEO, so I've seen middle managers from each vantage point.

And there's no other role in an organisation that is as perfectly positioned to lead up, down and across.

In this opening keynote, you'll explore how finding, harnessing and leveraging five core habits is the foundation of showing up, speaking up and standing out - being your best self.

Confidence is integral for success and I'll show how clear understanding of your value, and how being perfectly positioned, helps boost your confidence, amplifies your leadership and ensures greater employee engagement.

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Sally Foley-Lewis inspires managers to be high performing, purposeful and productive. She ensures people reach their potential. Sally's presentations and programs positively impact confidence, leadership and results. A multi-award winning global Certified Professional Speaker, Sally has also authored many books. The drive to support and skill managers comes from her own CEO and senior leadership experiences. Through presentations, keynote speeches, workshops and coaching - online and face-to-face - Sally skills managers, boosts productive, confidence and self-leadership.


Neerja Singh


The Age Smart & Age Ready Manager

An unprecedented generational change is happening at both ends of the work spectrum today. Employees are living longer but the power is moving younger. Plain intelligence boasts three separate components: Digital intelligence, Emotional intelligence and Social intelligence.

Each generation is entering their careers with different paradigms and unique lenses. Take factors such as attitude towards authority, communication style, motivating skill, feedback loop and evaluation, dealing with change...there is a new diversity at play.

Although multi-generational teams are desirable for innovation and creativity, it is the middle ground that will decide whether this new diversity will be a help or a headache. And since, there is no microwave in the market for leadership skills yet, it is the middle management that will have to learn to build trust and respect between generations.

In an era of youth cult, ageist assumptions and our longevity future, the middle manager will have to be both age ready and age smart!

In this session middle managers will:

  • Understand the new diversity and reasons why
  • Appreciate what it takes to connect the generations
  • Learn the 8 benefits of age diversity in the workplace
  • Examine how to integrate generational differences at work
  • Dive into the art of reverse mentoring
  • Begin to think mentor, not just manager

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A millennial in spirit, with the benefit of hindsight, Neerja Singh is the Seenager or the Senior Teenager. Four generational books, a YouTube channel on gen-next, a professional column called ‘A step ahead’, and a TEDx talk entitled “The Unaffordable Cost of Generation Gap”, Neerja helps harness generational diversity @work and @home. A certified virtual presenter, Neerja represents the PSAI on the Global Speakers Federation Board and was invited to speak at the Global Speakers Summit 2022 Dublin, Ireland.


Jonathan Low


Transformational SHIFT for SUCCESS at work and life

Change in our lives is mostly reactive, triggered by a crisis, a choice or just by chance. In either situation, we must make a choice – do we make the change, or not. This session will inspire you to leverage change as a key differentiator to stay relevant in today’s competitive and VUCA landscape.

  • Leverage change and shift mindset as a key differentiator to stay relevant in today's VUCA world
  • Embrace change and overcome resistance from within with pragmatic tools
  • Be empowered to make decisions that will shift these restraining forces to change

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Jonathan Low centers his conference keynote speaking and leadership coaching work with organizations and senior executives to measurably improve their leadership effectiveness, growth development, and business performance, especially in the areas of Sales Performance, Service Quality, Leadership Communication, and Team Development. He believes that "Increased self-awareness accelerates professional relations and business success".

Jonathan has more than 30 years of in-depth executive experience in leadership, sales management, customer experience, and has successfully delivered his high-energy, engaging, and transformational keynotes to audiences globally.


Toni Miranda


Unlock the Power of Self-Awareness to Amplify your Influence

By attending this session you will:

  • Recognise the importance of self-awareness in leadership success
  • Learn how to cultivate self-awareness
  • Understand how to acquire motivational intelligence
  • Be encouraged to apply self-awareness in amplifying their influence
  • Be intentional in leaving an inspiring legacy

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Toni Miranda is a top global motivational speaker, Certified Image Consultant, and a Reiss Motivation Profile® Master. Since establishing Radiance Image Consultancy in 2017, she has helped leaders who struggled with clarity and confidence, amplify their influence through her gospel-rooted programs. Thus, Toni has gained credibility as a leadership expert and an authentic and Christ-centered motivational speaker. Because of all these exceptional qualities, she has become known as “the radiant influencer”.


Dr Philip Merry


TeamSynchronicity™: Creating Quantum Results

We are living in a world of uncertainty and ambiguity which demands a change in the rules that teams live by. To navigate the new world of teams we must release the grip of Newtonian linear logic and embrace the Quantum mindset which recognises that human beings are at our core, connected energy. It is a paradigm shift that will unleash our creativity, curiosity, and adaptability, attract synchronicity and create quantum results.

To do this middle managers need to know how to create TeamSynchronicity™.

THE 8 SECRETS OF TeamSynchronicity™

1. MISSION OWNERSHIP: each member is committed to a meaningful team mission.

2. VALUES AND ALIGNED BEHAVIOUR: there is an agreed upon set of values and aligned behaviours to achieve the team mission.

3. HEART/BRAIN COHERENCE: brain and heart work together, and there is mental and emotional coherence throughout the team.

4. SKILL SUFFICIENCY: the team has both the skills and styles needed to achieve results.

5. AUTHENTIC SELF: each member understands and contributes their authentic self.

6. TRUST AND SAFETY: there is a trusting climate where all members are valued, can be depended on to keep their promises; and to speak up on difficult issues.

7. RESULTS FOCUS: there is a constant focus on achieving mission results.

8. QUANTUM MINDSET: members know how to navigate from a Newtonian to a Quantum mindset and how to look out for synchronicity.

In this cutting edge session Dr Philip Merry will introduce you to ideas that will transform your won team management and leadership as well as your team.

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Dr Philip Merry is the originator and world leader in TeamSynchronicity™, has focused on teams and leadership of teams since 1980;  and has conducted team sessions in 63 countries with government and corporate organisations. British by birth Dr Merry has been based in Singapore since 1990 and is a Master Belbin Educator having accredited over 400 facilitators as Belbin Team Role coaches. Dr Merry has a Master’s Degree in Business and Management Research from Henley Business School, and is the only person with a grounded theory PhD in Synchronicity and Leadership as well as 22 further certifications in a variety of team and leadership tools. Philip is also a Senior United Nations Team Facilitator, and was once a London taxi driver!


Jennifer Leone

New South Wales, Australia

When storytelling becomes the greatest tool to connect with your team

When WHAT you say makes all the difference!

What difference would it make if you could communicate to your team, exactly the point you want to get across? Imagine understanding the ‘know how’ by using a method through storytelling.

It will make it easier to be understood.

In this session you will understand what power storytelling holds in conveying your point, or your message or simply how it can help motivate your team.

You will get to understand the elements of storytelling and how each component has a part to play in conveying your message.
Real life examples will be used and will be debriefed to better equip you to create a deeper connection.

You will be able to read the cues in body language and the different tones our voice can have in communicating. You will be shown how to ask better questions to receive better responses so that you can create a clearer path to communicate with our team.

  • A better understanding of the benefits of storytelling in the workplace
  • How storytelling has its place in the workplace
  • Understanding what and how to say what you are wanting to convey with your team
  • How to ask better questions in achieving a better response from your team
  • Understanding each component of storytelling and its use in the work place

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A self-described Storytelling Strategist Coach, Jennifer Leone is Director of Talk Trainers who is committed to maximising StorySelling and StoryConnect. She has spent the last 20 years creating a reputation in the speaking industry as the go to in finding your message in your stories and creating a deeper impact in the stories you share. Better stories, better connection, better results.
Currently, she is on the facility of Stage Time University as a Speech Coach. 


David Price

Western Australia, Australia

Networking for Middle Managers

Love it or hate it, networking is here to stay - live, virtual or both. Some people generate all their business contacts, leads and new business from networking. Others get nothing. What's the difference?
In this session you'll find out how to make networking easy and profitable.

Even if you are not in business or looking for leads, but work in an organisation as a manager, networking is a great source of learning new ideas, the latest trends and ways to make your life and work easier and more rewarding.

At this session you'll learn. You'll laugh. And then you'll learn some more.

  • Know how to get in the "zone" to network effectively
  • Know at least 9 questions to ask to start a conversation
  • Know how to politely escape from a boring or negative person
  • Know the 5 must "do's" when you are networking
  • Know the 5 must "not do's" when you are networking
  • Know how to choose the right events to attend

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David Julian Price has been speaking, consulting and training for over 35 years. That's a long time and thousands of people in audiences all around the world. He has collected lots of wisdom which he shares with his audiences in a unique blend of knowledge, humour, inspiration and challenge. He has qualifications, awards and accolades as long as your arm but none of those really matter because David's skill is connecting with people and shining a spotlight on their hidden gems.


Frequently Asked Questions

Where’s the Middle Managers Online Muster Held?

The whole Muster is totally online. You can watch from anywhere: your lounge room, office or back garden!

How does the Middle Managers Online Muster work?

Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation email to confirm your place. A few days before the Muster you will be emailed with the links for the access to the presenters each day.

When is the Middle Managers Online Muster?

Thursday 6th July, Friday 7th July and Saturday 8th July Australian Time - Brisbane / AEST. Please check the Time Converter to ensure you attend on the correct days.

What are the timings for the Middle Managers Online Muster?

Each day’s videos will go live at 9am AEST (check your time zone here) and you will have 24 hours to watch these. Each day you will be emailed the next link for the next day’s videos.

What’s the schedule for speakers for the Muster?

Each day you will have access to that day’s presenter videos and you can watch them in any order. When you register you will have access to the full speaker schedule.

How much is the Middle Managers Online Muster?

FREE. Totally free! How cool is that?!? If you want to keep all the resources you can buy the Muster UP pack.

How can I access the videos after the 24 hours of the Muster?

You can purchase the Muster UP Package. Simply register for your FREE ticket and upgrade at the checkout.


$69 ... 86% off Muster UP before 6th July 2023

$99 ... 80% off Muster UP before 8th July 2023

$199 ... 60% off Muster UP between 9th - 31st July 2023

$499 ... 0% off Muster UP after 31st July 2023

Can I share the videos with my team?

Your team can register and watch the videos FREE over the 3 days of the Muster. Register for FREE here.

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