Make the Most of your Muster learning

With Sally Foley-Lewis

Tips and strategies to make your learning stick

CLOSING SESSION Attending event, even as we’ve adjusted to online events, can give us a new breath of fresh air, reinvigorate us. And then when we return to work, we all too quickly slip back into old patterns and habits because … well, because, life and everything around us hasn’t changed like the event changed us. In this session, I will provide you with tips and strategies to help you take action so that the changes you want to make stick. I will also reveal a brand new offering during this session that will support you long after the Muster has finished, including a special deal only for you. Sally Foley-Lewis inspires managers to be high performing, purposeful and productive. She ensures people reach their potential. Sally’s presentations and programs positively impact confidence, leadership and results. A multi-award winning global Certified Professional Speaker, Sally has also authored many books. The drive to support and skill managers comes from her own CEO and senior leadership experiences. Through presentations, keynote speeches, workshops and coaching – online and face-to-face – Sally skills managers, boosts productive, confidence and self-leadership.