The Power of Inclusive Leadership: removing fear and taking action

With Jackie Handy

Making sense of DE&I!

As soon as ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ is mentioned, the room goes quiet and people start to panic. The fear of saying or doing the wrong thing or having already made mistakes can literally prove paralysing. And yet, by gaining a greater understanding of what DE&I really means and how to ensure that, as a manager, you have the tools and knowledge to make a difference is what starts to change that. Progress only happens when we acknowledge the inadequacy of what has gone before. But that isn’t something to be feared or for you to feel guilty about. Jackie is passionate about making DE&I a less scary topic. After all, if progress is to be made we need to understand the benefits to changing. She believes that it is the small steps that lead to BIG change. And by removing fear from the process you will leave with the tools to take action. Action that will benefit you and your teams. So, come on in…
    • Know how our unique map of the world influences us
    • Bust the myth about ‘privilege’
    • Understand why words matter and how we can adapt our language
    • Understand why allyship is so important
    • Be able to take small steps right now and create a better business for the future
Specialising in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and its alignment with inclusive leadership, Jackie Handy has seen both sides of the coin. She knows first-hand how exclusion feels and now her mission is to ensure everyone feels safe, valued and understood at work.Jackie engages and encourages leaders and team managers to think and act differently and become more consciously inclusive. The rewards include a workforce who are true to themselves, motivated and successful, a diverse talent pipeline, as well as stronger brand positioning. Jackie is a TEDx and event speaker, consultant, trainer, creator of the BRAVEwork inclusive leadership programme, and author of ‘The little book of Belonging’