The Five Habits of High Performing Middle Managers

With Sally Foley-Lewis

Middle Managers are essential for an organisation’s success.


Too many people are encouraged into middle management without the right preparation.

Too many leave middle management because they aren’t supported, developed or have clear direction.

Too many stay in middle management because they feel stuck, not getting a chance to step up.

Whether middle managers are unprepared, unsupported or stuck, they often unjustly get a bad rap. And I should know, I’ve been one, and I’ve also sat at every level of an organisation: from being at the front line to being the CEO, so I’ve seen middle managers from each vantage point. 

And there’s no other role in an organisation that is as perfectly positioned to lead up, down and across. 

In this opening keynote, you’ll explore how finding, harnessing and leveraging five core habits is the foundation of showing up, speaking up and standing out – being your best self.

Confidence is integral for success and I’ll show how a clear understanding of your value, and how being perfectly positioned, helps boost your confidence, amplifies your leadership and ensures greater employee engagement.

Sally Foley-Lewis inspires managers to be high performing, purposeful and productive. She ensures people reach their potential. Sally’s presentations and programs positively impact confidence, leadership and results. A multi-award winning global Certified Professional Speaker, Sally has also authored many books. The drive to support and skill managers comes from her own CEO and senior leadership experiences. Through presentations, keynote speeches, workshops and coaching – online and face-to-face – Sally skills managers, boosts productive, confidence and self-leadership.
